Learn more about GRIDLOCK Dance’s innovation and artistic impact in our press mentions.

Madeline Maxine Roman on Thriving Through Adversity & Overcoming Mental Health Challenges
“It’s easy to forget that metamorphosis isn’t an automatic process from caterpillar to butterfly,” shares GRIDLOCK Dance’s Madeline Maxine Roman.

Dance Review: ‘Tooth and Claw’ by GRIDLOCK Dance at the Cultural Arts Center of Montgomery College
Tooth and Claw was conceptually rich and ambitious in the breath of ideas in which it grounded itself.

Arts ATL Review of Artificial Eden
Madeline Maxine Gorman’s timely Artificial Eden was a searing comment on how pervasive social media and mobile devices affect human behavior.

Max Gorman of GRIDLOCK Dance Doesn’t Dream of Fair Pay, She’s Offering It
GRIDLOCK Dance's Artistic Director Madeline Maxine Gorman was profiled in Washington City Paper about balancing health, career, and company decisions.

GRIDLOCK Dance Explores Technology and Truth Through Movement
Madeline Maxine Gorman spoke with Washington City Paper about GRIDLOCK Dance’s work Veritas.

Introducing Our 2023 “25 to Watch”
Madeline Maxine Gorman, Artistic Director of GRIDLOCK Dance, was profiled as one of Dance Magazine’s 25 to Watch in 2023.

Student Research Impact Award recipient is changing the world through dance
Madeline Maxine Gorman was interviewed in Towson University News about her collaborative dance performance ADDICT.

Madeline Maxine Gorman’s work ADDICT, performed by GRIDLOCK Dance, was reviewed by Charm City Dance.